7 Brilliant Website Homepage Design

Web designing is by art by itself. It requires a professional approach. There popular designs of it which can be made in order to have an attractive website.

A solid, well-prepared website catches one’s eye no doubt. The home page is very important as it is virtually the front door. Most people judge a book by its cover and similarly a website is judged by its homepage which needs to be prepared very creatively. Website Development Company in Hyderabad has all the required infrastructure for excellent web designs.

1) FreshBooks

Why It’s Brilliant

  • It is rather easy to consume. There is much debate on whether short or long homepages do work better. If a person does choose to do the latter, there is a need to make it easy to scroll and read. It is like storytelling.
  • There is indeed great use of contrast and positioning with the primary calls-to-action – it is clear what the company requires one to convert on when one arrives.
  • The copy used in the calls-to-action “Try it Free for 30 Days” is very compelling.
  • The sub-headline is also indeed great.

2) Mint

Why It is Brilliant

  • It is a super simple design with a strong, no-jargon headline and sub-headline.
  • The homepage does give off a secure but easy-going vibe, which is important for a product that handles financial information.

It also does contain a simple, direct, and compelling call-to-action copy. Website Development Company in Hyderabad does highlight this aspect of web designing.

3) Jill Konrath

  • It is simple and straight to the point — from the headline and sub-headline, it is clear exactly what Jill Konrath does.
  • It also does provide much easy access to Jill’s thought leadership materials, which is indeed important to establish her credibility as a keynote speaker.
  • It is indeed easy to subscribe to the newsletter and get in touch — two of her primary calls-to-action.

4) Dropbox (Consumer)

  • Dropbox’s homepage and the website is the ultimate example of simplicity. It does limit its use of copy and visuals and embraces whitespace.
  • Their headline, “Your stuff, anywhere” is no doubt simple, yet powerful. One does require to decode jargon to figure out what Dropbox really does.
  • It has a focus on one primary call-to-action: “Sign up” … But if a person wants to learn more first, that is easy too. Click “Learn more,” and see how Dropbox does describe its primary benefits with four, easy-to-scan statements directly below the primary CTA.

5) Dropbox (Business)

  • The homepage for Dropbox’s business does offer a great example of providing a different website experience for a different audience. Unlike their main homepage, which was originally built for the consumer side (above), their business users do require more information and additional proof points that Dropbox for Business is safe as well as a scalable solution for companies.
  • Dropbox, in fact, continues to carry over it’s simple design and branding. It does include only what is important: elements such as customer logos and testimonials, and a video with supporting copy.

6) Whitehouse.gov

Building a website that does support an entire nation is no easy task. Whitehouse.gov is constantly changing in order to reflect top concerns as well as priorities — the homepage alone has gone through hundreds of revisions. Testing, as well as optimization, happens to be a key component to brilliant homepage design.

Whitehouse.gov is completely unlike most government-related websites. It consists of clean design and fosters a community.

It is fairly easy to find what a person is looking for when one lands the page.

7) Scraped

While it’s difficult to tell from the static screenshot above, this site captures your attention with its subtle use of animation while scrolling down the page. It’s a very clever way to organize information without interfering with user experience.

It also has a very clean and simple design. The design highlights the features of the app, and then immediately shows the primary call-to-action — not much else.

Website Development Company in Hyderabad does cater to the requirements of upcoming web designers.

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